BEGINNER’S GUIDE: How To Choose The Right Fishing Line
The fishing line is a crucial component in any angler's collection pack. It is the link between you and the fish you are trying to catch. There are many different types of fishing lines on the market, listed below are the common lines used by anglers.
Monofilament fishing line is one of the most popular. It is made from a single strand of plastic and is known for its flexibility and strength. It is abrasion-resistant and can survive some minor scratches from rocky areas. Plus, it is also a little bit stretchy and can absorb shocks.
Monofilament fishing line is also very versatile and can be used for different types of fishing, including freshwater and saltwater fishing. But it’s not that strong compared to other types of lines. Direct sunlight eventually breaks down the nylon material over time. Same with the fluorocarbon line, it has memory and remembers the spool shape when wrapped around, so it may come off in big loops during casting and it is prone to tangles.
Another popular type of fishing line is Fluorocarbon. This type of fishing line is made from a fluorocarbon material and is known for its sensitivity and invisibility underwater. Fluorocarbon fishing line is often used as a leader line because it sinks easily. It is almost like a monofilament line but is denser and heavier and less stretchy. It is abrasion-resistant and more sensitive. Even though it is stretchy, you can still feel even the lightest bite from the fish, unlike the monofilament line.
The Fluorocarbon line seems to have more advantages than using a monoline, but it is quite expensive due to its characteristics. Note that it is harder to tie some knots in fluorocarbon than in monoline because it is denser. This line is good for fly fishing and bass fishing too, as well as other types of freshwater and saltwater fishing.
A Braided fishing line is another option for anglers. This type is made from multiple strands of material, usually synthetic fiber, that are braided together. A braided fishing line is known for its strength and durability, making it a great choice for heavy-duty fishing, such as saltwater fishing or fishing for large game fish. It is smaller in diameter compared to monoline and fluorocarbon, but it is much stronger and difficult to cut. Though tougher than others, it has less resistance to abrasion, and it can easily snap if scratched from sharp surfaces.
A braided line supports better lure movement and is very sensitive to fish bites because the line is not stretchable and always maintains its true form. You can also achieve better casting power and distance because it is lighter and thinner than other lines. Similarly, braided lines can tangle too, but not as frequently as mono or fluoro, but when they do, they are hard to untangle, and you have no choice but to cut the line at the tangle point and create another knot.
Although the braided line looks somewhat ideal to some, it is important to note that its rough texture can cause damage to your other equipment when scraped by it especially the rod guide (if it is not made from tough material).
To summarize, when choosing the right fishing line, it is important to consider the type of fishing you will be doing, and the size and species of fish you will be targeting. If you want to do bottom fishing or even trolling, it’s best to consider getting a line that is bouncy or stretchy to support the jigging action and avoid getting snapped easily. If you’re targeting stronger fish, then you might need a strong firm line to set the hook faster with no delay. Note that each type of fishing line has its own unique characteristics and function, so be sure to do your research and choose the one that is best for your specific needs while considering the pros and cons.
Tip: Expert anglers used to combine fishing lines such as using braided as their main line and attaching it to a leader line, which is the Fluorocarbon. The fluorocarbon sinks faster and it is invisible under the water which helps to increase the chance of attracting fish on the lure connected to it. While the strong, thin, braided line will be the main line to take control of the action once the hook has been set.